Rockstar Thinkers is an animated video series that uses funny, short stories to teach elementary-aged children how to defeat negativity, develop a growth mindset, and build their confidence.
Our education system teaches math, science, spelling and computers, but… who teaches kids to navigate their own minds, to deal with negative thoughts, to push through and have confidence?
With Rockstar Thinkers, children will learn:
- To modify their thoughts and get “unstuck”
- To change the way they see things
- To take ownership of their emotions
- To develop a growth mindset
- To understand the many sides of their personality
- That happiness is a choice we make everyday
- How to deal with anger and frustration
- What to do when things seem unfair
When children learn these life lessons, you’ll have equipped them with a powerful mindset that can significantly impact their academic, personal and social success. All this leads to a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.
Kids love watching funny videos… have them watch something that will help them succeed in life!
All you have to do is log in and press play! Each video is less than 5 minutes. It’s simple, yet impactful. Since many of the videos are designed with repetitive sayings, they naturally lend themselves to being repeated by kids. This repetition is what helps create better habits.
There are a lot of videos out there on bullying, recycling, being nice to others, etc – all focused on external behaviors. Unfortunately, there aren’t too many videos that demonstrate mental/emotional changes that can be made internally. Our series is more like life coaching for kids.
Yes, there are some good books out there. But let’s face it, with all the homework kids get, the last thing they want to do is pick up a book.
When showing in a school setting, the target age is 6-12. However, we’ve received very positive feedback from older kids who loved them (but just wouldn’t want to watch them in a class setting). And let’s not forget adults… our videos resonate with older “kids” as well!
That’s what’s great. You can start anywhere. Each video is independent of each other and there is no set path to follow. We’ve organized them into categories to help you. So if you child is having difficulty with thinking negatively, choose a video in that category.
According to Stanford University, research has shown that when students have a growth mindset, they are more likely to challenge themselves, believe that they can achieve more, and become stronger, more resilient and creative problem solvers. Educators can have an enormous impact on the mindset of their students.
- Lessons are quick but impactful!
- Log in from any computer, tablet or phone – and simply press play!
- Watch them with your kids, or separately. It really doesn’t matter!
- They’re fun and silly so kids will enjoy them!
Target audiences
- Kids Ages 5-12